Listen. Learn. Discuss.
Skills for Challenging Conversations


Ways to get involved

Civil discourse means having respectful dialogue where agreeing isn’t the goal, but building an environment with enough trust for people to hear one another, consider different perspectives and learn from it, is. It requires learning and practice.  
Ohio State provides the opportunity to learn the necessary skills to safely and respectfully navigate difficult conversations, practice those skills in productive and facilitated environments and gain new perspectives that enable all of us to be more effective thinkers,  communicators and influencers. 

Upcoming events

Listen. Learn. Discuss. events are specifically designed to provide information, help you more easily draw connections and form skills for more productive dialogue in safe and productive spaces.

More events
Dorm Dialogues for Undergraduate Students
Time 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Location Houston House, Vivo Room
Dorm Dialogues for Undergraduate Students
Time 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Location Houston House, Vivo Room

Additional ways to get involved 

Civil Discourse for Citizenship

An initiative dedicated to promoting respectful debate and dialogue across differences on campus and beyond

Divided Community Project

Provides dispute resolution and expertise to help leaders enhance community resiliency and prepare for and respond to potentially polarizing events

OSU Votes

A non-partisan, student-led effort committed to fostering civic engagement and providing materials encouraging students to register and become informed voters